Welcome to Ditching Digital. An online journal of two friends, who together, are leaving their digital woes behind to discover a new world in film.

Comfort Zone

I have been falling back on my 35mm and digital lately. As much as I adore my Mamiya and the feel of medium format, its not easy to grab ordinary activities in the day with this camera, especially if its not pre-loaded. Trying to get better at metering and trusting my instincts and moving outside my comfort zone. Im not learning fast enough with the financial aspect of developing and scanning which I know is forcing me to develop patience. So today I'm discouraged and posting, because this is all a part of the journey and I need to be able to look back at this. No one said it would be easy.

Mamiya 645 | 70mm 2.8 | Fuji pro400H | metered shadows +2 stops

Lessons Learned:
1. Need to write down  my exposures more often and keep a written journal with me
2. Really need to purchase a hand held meter
3. Looking for subjects other than my kids might help with my rut
4. Really need to shoot with the Mamiya more often
5. Finding I like b&w film over color, especially ilford. Maybe because it hides all my mistakes
6. Should probably pick 1 film and 1 camera and stick with it for a few months
7. This is a journey, not a race


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