Welcome to Ditching Digital. An online journal of two friends, who together, are leaving their digital woes behind to discover a new world in film.

Finding Film

Its time to trust my instincts, close my eyes and leap
~Stephen Schwartz

Film forces you to rely on all your knowledge and put it to the test. It frees you up to shoot the moment, put down the camera and walk away. Brings simplicity as you are thoughtful of the limited number of frames at your disposal.

My first 3 rolls:

 Fuji 35mm 400 (walmarts only film choice) straight (dirty) scans

Fuji pro 4ooh - 120 Medium Format straight scans

ilford delta pro 100 - 120 Medium Format straight scans

Lessons learned:
1. So I do know how to meter. Who knew?
2. Film renders amazing skin tones, better than I could ever achieve in hours of photoshopping.
3. Dirty scans make more work. The whole point here is less photoshop. I think the lab that processed my 35mm film was run out of the back of some guys trunk. Finding a great lab is key.
4. While shooting medium format, ignore the strange looks from people as you manually crank your film.
5. I cannot wait to shoot more.
6. This is going to get really expensive. But that is ok, time is money.


Virge said...

A friend of mine once reminded me that films don't have pixels; that's one of the reasons the result of shooting film is different.

I remember back in 2003, when I was moving, the first thing I worried was how I could find a lab like the one I was using at the local store. I never did....


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